Red River Scramble: Last Minute Housekeeping

I’ve spent the past couple days folding welcome letters, gathering up door prizes, and “stuffing” welcome packets in preparation for this weekend. Needless to say I’m excited to show off “The Motherland” to everyone that shows up to the event, while also looking forward to a little adventure riding myself. I wanted to touch base (again) on a few topics as we’re in the final hours before folks start rolling toward Red River Gorge.


If you’ve not already registered, please do so as soon as possible (Registration HERE). Per my Event Schedule comments, after grabbing Miguel’s Pizza for lunch on Friday, I want to do a little riding, and then I’ll head back to the campground to get set up for everyone’s arrival.

Natural Bridge Campground Cabin MotoADVR

Assuming it’s not raining, I’ll have a table set out at my cabin. Please stop by and see me, I’ll have a welcome packet, a door prize ticket, a bottle of Ale-8 (while supplies last), and some event paperwork I need to go over with attendees. In the event of rain, I’ll be at the main campground shelter where you check-in with the campground manager to get your campsite (assuming you’re camping).

Cabin/Campground check-in

Per my previous comments about lodging check-in, attendees are responsible for their own camping/lodging arrangements. If you’re staying on the campground, you’re good to check in at the campground shelter after 12 PM, however folks renting a cabin from Natural Bridge Cabin Company will need to wait until at least 3 PM to get their key. This includes cabins that are physically on the Natural Bridge Campground. Speaking of which, if folks have reserved cabins at the campground, be advised, the Natural Bridge Cabin Company rental office is down the street on KY-11; you can find it on google, however the marker is actually a few hundred yards south of where the actual building is located. The cabin rental office the northern most building in that strip, the sign is very small, so slow down and take your time finding it (MAP).


Speaking of “taking your time”, for first time visitors to the gorge, I want to reiterate, this is absolutely my favorite place to ride.


The unique geographical location has given birth to a extraordinary combination of exceptional roads and scenery. Due to the rural nature of the area, these roads also evolve, sometimes by the hour. Hard rains can bring down trees, wash gravel and mud out into the roadway, and if you don’t encounter a dog sleeping in the middle of the road at some point during your stay, I’ll be shocked; and that’s just the paved roads I’m talking about.

Ultimately I want everyone to have a good time and return to visit, not only next year, but as often as possible. At the same time I want folks to keep their “eyes and ears up”; I see conditions change every time I visit, especially off-road. I highly recommend “the buddy system” for everyone, especially off-roaders. I understand that the Bluegrass Scavenger Hunt is scored individually, but if you’re adventuring into the unknown, please take precautions, keep your wits about you, and bring a friend along if at all possible.

Thanks to our Sponsors

I want to give a big shout-out to this year’s sponsors. These folks have stepped up to support this “Bluegrass Adventure Rally” idea and we have a lot of great prizes to give away this year. I want to give them a big thanks for making this rally that much better, and ask that folks go to their websites and check out their products. If you buy something (and you should), tell them you found them at Red River Scramble. Also, please check out their social media outlets, like, follow, and when you post photos of the event, tag them when applicable.



With regard to photos, I’m here to tell you, every time I come home from a visit to the gorge, I realize I missed a great photo op (fortunately my buddy’s still catch me doing dumb stuff from time to time). Take as many photos as possible while you’re in Kentucky, be it this weekend or any visit. Put those photos up on social media, and tell folks how amazing it is. If you’re attending the event this weekend, please be sure to hashtag #RedRiverScramble in the your photos and tell your friends what they’re missing.

Now I need to pack this stuff up and get the bike ready to roll. We’re in the final countdown now folks, see you Friday!


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4 Responses to Red River Scramble: Last Minute Housekeeping

  1. witttom says:

    Keep your wits about you.


  2. witttom says:

    I have consumed more Ale-8 this past weekend, than all of the Ale-8 I have previously consumed in my entire life.


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